Monday, November 9, 2015

Research Papers, Inteview Deadline, Final Draft Deadline

The following research paper rough drafts have been graded. You can read the comments on Turnitin.

Period 1: Joud, Harout, Levon, Maria, Edgar C., Maryjane, Kimberli, Nayeli, Sharon, Tania, Diana, David, Missael, Brian, Shyanne, Edgar P., Esmeralda, Marvin S. and Nicole

Per. 5: Andrew, George, Demian, Karen, Amber, Grace, Avo, Kimberly M., Erika N., Carlos, Andrea, Mild and Marina.

The deadline to interview an expert is Nov. 30. That gives you Nov. 23-25 when we have days off, but most people are working. Everyone has Nov. 26 and people may or may not be working on Nov. 27. Show me your notes after you have completed the interview. Keep them so that you can use them in your final draft, due Dec. 4.

Creating Infographics

You may want to check this out for creating your presentation slides.