Sunday, November 27, 2011

Period 5: Rough Draft Research Paper Graded

There were 17 out of 25 research paper rough drafts turned in. All of those turned in on Nov. 23 have been graded. Please read the comments on The three that were turned in on Nov. 24 will be graded next. The remaining eight papers should be turned in as soon as possible, as the later it is turned in, the lower the grade will be.

Overall, I was pleased. Most people cited sources where necessary. There is still some confusion on the formatting of in-text citations and the Works Cited page. Please see the OWL website for clarification.

Some of you are in great shape. Jonathan, Mari, Maria: All you need to do is add an interview and double check your citations. Bravo! Others have more work to do, but now that you have feedback, it should be easy enough to do. It's those who have not turned anything in that need to worry.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Rough Draft of Research Paper Due Wednesday, Nov. 23

You will turn in the rough draft of your paper to
First, you will need to go to the website and create an account. You will use the ID 4573808 and password period4 or 4573811 and password period5, according to which class you are in.
I've created an assignment called Introduction. This is just a practice assignment, so you can see how the program works. It won't be graded. It won't explode. It won't hurt you. Go ahead and try it.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

SAS Teachers Available for Feedback

On Tuesday, Nov. 8, SAS teachers will be available upstairs in the 400 building from 1:40 to 2:00 p.m. to give you feedback on your Senior Project topic and/or thesis statement.

If you are unable to attend, you must get feedback from a teacher at some other time (advisory, nutrition, lunch, after school)before class on Thursday. This is a homework assignment.

Those who attended the last "office hours" session have completed the assignment.

Creating Infographics

You may want to check this out for creating your presentation slides.