Monday, October 20, 2014

Research Paper Final Drafts Due the Week of Oct. 27

In order to give everyone equal amount of time to revise their drafts, I have put you into three groups. Group 1 has until Monday, Oct. 27 on or before 11:59 p.m. to submit to
Group 2 has until Wednesday, Oct. 29.
Group 3 has until Friday, Oct. 31.

The groups are as follows:
Period 1 Group 1: Brandon, Michael, Sergio, Ricky, Rafael G., Jayline, Ilene, Valeria, Rafael J., Carla, Karina, Milton, Yelitza, Itcoatl, Erika and Alba.
Period 1 Group 2: Ashley, Rony, Angela, Adam, Alexander, Gisselle,
Period 1 Group 3: Lupo, Alejandro, Carl, Joshua, Feliz, Carolina, Andrea, Cat, Emily, Lilit, Resse, Kevin, Alessandro

Period 4 Group 1: Jessica, Adrian, Gaby, Kristine, Azniv, Eduardo, Edelmira, Sarai, Diana, Angie, Michelle
Period 4 Group 2: Carla, Christy, Edouard, Jesus, Sandy, Kimberly
Period 4 Group 3: Tony, Jimmy, Yeison, Claudia,  Khachik, Albert, Edward, Josefa, Casey, Erin, Eloisa, Albert

Include your interview as you would any other source. In parentheses, put (personal interview) or (phone interview). List it on your Work Cited page.

Creating Infographics

You may want to check this out for creating your presentation slides.